Suicide Prevention Hotline - People care,
more than some may realize. 1-800-273-8255
Our Bodies, Minds & Souls

~ Earth can be a challenging and traumatic place for a soul. Any old core wounds that we can carry may be internalized or projected onto others. But we can learn to heal and release them! ~
Salini Teri Apocada - MK Ultra sex slavery survivor turned author and sacred planetary alchemist. Amazing lady! salini.love & youtube
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai - Scientist, innovator, educator and fighter of truth with a wonderful
website. vashiva.com & youtube
Beauty for Freedom - Empowering survivors
of human trafficking through creative arts.
Book of Remedies - Dr. Nicole Apelian and nature's gift towards healing and well being.
Dr. Zach Bush - Intrinsic educator of human genomic health via soil/water gut/brain related ecosystems. zachbushmd.com & youtube
Joseph Campbell - Author, and educator of the human experience, mythology and comparative
religion. jcf.org, quotes & youtube
Cancer Cures? - Some alternative answers:
Delores Cannon - Author, who developed the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.
Dr.Shankara Chetty - Natural Science
Biologist curing Covid-19 with his breakthrough treatment. drshankarachetty.com & youtube
Mantak Chia - Founder of the Universal Tao Healing System which is taught worldwide.
Allison Coe - QHHT & BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) practitioner, dream interpreter &
intuitive counselor. allisoncoe.com & youtube
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Treatment
that effectively changes thinking and behavioral problems. nacbt.org & youtube
Newly Added
Ram Dass - Spiritual teacher, psychologist,
author and New Age guru who's spirit lives on.
Dr. John Douillard, DC,CAP - Global
leader of natural health and creator of Lifespa.
Newly Added
EES - Energy Enhancement System, popping up in cities around the world for a reason.
Eye Movement Desensitization
Reprocessing - A therapy for rewiring the brain from trauma. emdria.org & youtube
Empathy & Narcissism - How both can play
a big part of the human condition. empath.help
Frequencies - If music can uplift your mood,
could certain frequencies really heal you?
Havening - Technique to de-traumatize certain memories in the brain through hypnotherapy and human touch. havening.org & youtube
Dr. David Hawkins - Renowned psychiatrist,
physician, spiritual teacher and lecturer.
Louise Hay - 'Heal your Body' - Louise's
teachings remain an inspiration today.
Karen Holton - Web host, energy & wellness educator. Seller of orgone generators & crystals. karenholtonhealthcoach.com & youtube
HSP - Dislike bright lights, loud noises, avoid violence in media, or need plenty of alone time?
You're probably a hsperson.com & youtube
Human Condition - Jeremy Griffin explains
what it means to live in freedom of it.
Human Trafficking - What to know, what to
look for, how to get help. hotline # 888-373-7888.
Paula Hurlock - A wise lady teaching wellness
to women with holistic medicines and one-day retreats. youtube & book time with
Hyperbaric Chambers - Pressurized oxygen
that saturates red blood cels repairs tissues at a normal function rate. Links: 1, 2 & youtube
Matt Kahn - Spiritual teacher, author and
empathic healer with millions of YouTube followers. mattkahn.org & youtube
Lorie Ladd - Teacher, speaker, author and guide
for consciousness shifting and expansion.
Kaya Leigh - Master breather work practitioner, creator of the sacred breath method, and founder
Newly Added
Lifetune - Reduce the Electromagnetic Frequencies from your devices and your life.
Lilou Mace - Interviewer & video blogger
with years of inspirational people & content.
Dr. Rev Christopher Macklin - Divine healer using light beings, and founder of the
Aubrey Marcus - Filmmaker, podcaster, author
and entrepreneur of Omnit, for total human
optimization. aubreymarcus.com & youtube
Tracey Marks - With 20 years teaching mental health education for self improvement.

Dr. Gabor Maté - Addiction, childhood
trauma, and mind-body health expert.
Donna McGrath - NIH Molecular biologist
turned renown spiritual healer and miracle facilitator. donnamcgrath.com & youtube
Lynne McTaggart - Spiritual author & co-founder of the magazine 'What Doctors Don't Tell You.' lynnemctaggart.com & youtube
Med Beds - Could we one day say goodbye to traditional medicines and surgeries?
Meditation - Quiet the mind and reduce stress with transcendental & guided. tm.org
Drunvalo Melchizedek - Author, meditation proponent, and school of remembering creator.
Meridian Tapping Techniques - Method of repairing blockages in the bodies energy system.
Newly Added
Dr. Norma Milanovich - Liaison for Ascended masters, sharing their insight on the days of light ahead. ourtrustisingod.com & youtube
Mooji - Spiritual teacher of self inquiry, with us
as timeless beings of pure consciousness.
Music Therapy - Can regulate moods as a drug-free option for healing both depression & physical issues. musictherapy & youtube
Myneurogym - Strengthen your mental and emotional skills through 'Innercise.'
Bridget Neilson - Intuitive healer, speaker, chef
& artist, helping assimilate new ways of living
and being. bridgetnielsen.com & youtube
Jannecke Oinaes - Host of "Wisdom from
North.' Asking big questions to people around
the world. wisdomfromnorth.com & youtube
Landria Onkka - Spiritual Advisor and
manifestation coach, mentoring and empowering others. landriaonkka.com & youtube
Operation Underground Rescue - Devoted
to the eradication of child sex trafficking.
Andrea Pennington - A woman of many hats teaching self-love, and authenticity.
Ester Perel - Relationship expert. Ever wonder why half of all marriages end in divorce?estherperel.com & youtube
Newly Added
React19 - Bringing healing to those facing side-effects from the Covid 19 Vaccine.
Reiki - Energy transferred through hands of
practitioners for emotional and physical as well
Rapid Transformational Therapy - Fastest
growing hypnotherapy technique, developed by Marisa Peer. marisapeer.com & youtube
Michael Roads - Author, modern mystic, and
teacher of inner peace with our outer worlds.
The Root Brands - Toxins vs. Wellness through natural, non-GMO, organic, vegan, and gluten free products. therootbrands.com & youtube
Anna Runkle - Childhood PTSD survivor,
changing paradigms with her tools and coaching.
J.P.Sears - Humor = Smiling = Health. He's not
a cure-all, but he'll make you question ridiculous things with a smile. So it's a start. youtube
The Sedona Method - Scientifically proven
to help release unwanted feelings & emotions.
Dr.Sharnael Wolverton Sehon - Author, Minister, naturopathic doctor and teacher of Divine health. switftfire.org & youtube
The Shift Network - Community of inspiring individuals and services, shifting humanity to
the next level. theshiftnetwork.com & youtube
Jose Silva - Author of the one and only Silva Meditation method! Feel it to believe it! Article
Somatic Experiencing - Frees the body of 'stuck' traumatic energies. tramahealing.org,
Start Your Own Recovery - Find support
and resources for substance misuse and recovery.
Suicide Prevention - People care, more than some may realize. Call 988 or go to
Teal Swann - Childhood abuse surviver, who inspires millions of people to find their freedom
and joy. tealswann.com & youtube
Eckhart Tolle - One of the best known, best-selling spiritual authors and teachers in the U.S.
Neale Donald Walsch - Spiritual messenger and renowned author of the Conversations with God series. nealedonaldwalsch.com & youtube
More to Come...
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